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Study Details

Testing the Drug Ozanimod in adults with Ulcerative Colitis (UC)

(IRB#: IRB_00164781)

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a disease that inflames a persons digestive system (how food is processed in the body) causing health problems such as stomach pain, fever, and even an increased risk of colon cancer. This study will test a drug called ozanimod to treat adults with this disease. The study wants to see if the drug will help people with the disease and is safe. People in this study will be placed into two groups based on their medication use. Group 1 will be people who have used standard UC medication. Group 2 will be people who have used advanced UC medication. Being in the study requires 2.4 years and about 8 visits to the study center. Each visit may vary from 2-7 hours depending on what needs to occur at each visit. Medical tests will be done during the study to track the health of participants.


  • All genders
  • Over 18 years old
  • Volunteers with special conditions
  •   In Person
  • Paid

Who can participate?

 Gender: All genders

  Age: Over 18 years old

  Volunteers: Volunteers with special conditions

   Location: In Person

Inclusion Criteria

  • UC diagnosis at least 3 months prior to the first study visit
  • Moderate to severely active UC disease
  • Use of standard UC medication or
  • Use of advanced UC medication
  • Attend in person at the study center

Exclusion Criteria

  • Other medical conditions such as sleep apnea (breathing repeatedly stops and starts while sleeping, cancer, and Crohns disease (inflamed lining in the digestive tract where food is processed)
  • Current active infection or infection requiring medication taken through a person's mouth 14 days prior or IV (liquid medication usually given in the arm or hand through a tube under the skin) 30 days prior to participation and/or any major infection that caused hospitalization
  • History of cancer 5 years before participation
  • Need for UC surgery
  • Pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding

Will I be paid for my time?


For more information contact:

Julie Will


IRB#: IRB_00164781

PI: Jessica Johnson


Approval Date: 2023-10-18 06:00:00

Specialties: Gastroenterology

Last Updated: 6/8/23