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Study Details

Testing a Person's Mobility

(IRB#: IRB_00171076)

This study wants to learn more about how people who either have no neurological (brain) injuries or who have had a stroke move around on different surfaces. These include stairs and uneven ground. The study wants to improve how a person moves with challenges such as a stroke survivor. People in the study will walk on different surfaces such as slopes, stairs, and uneven ground. While walking, information will be recorded from several sensors placed across the body (on the legs, in shoes, on wrist or around the chest). These sensors help collect how participants' muscles work, how they move, and how their heart rate changes as they walk on different surfaces. Being in the study requires attending at least one in-person session that will last up to 3.5 hours. People are paid for participation.


  • All genders
  • Over 18 years old
  • Healthy Volunteers
  •   In Person
  • Paid

Who can participate?

 Gender: All genders

  Age: Over 18 years old

  Volunteers: Healthy Volunteers

   Location: In Person

Inclusion Criteria

  • Ages 18 years and older
  • A person with a stroke that affects at least one leg and occurred at least 6 months before participation
  • A healthy person without any brain disorder or injury
  • Able to walk at least 32 feet, can use aids such as canes for walkers
  • Attend in person at the study clinic

Will I be paid for my time?


For more information contact:

Heidi Hansen


IRB#: IRB_00171076

PI: Ashley Dalrymple


Approval Date: 2024-02-07 17:45:00

Study Categories: Brain Health Studies

Specialties: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Last Updated: 6/8/23